Friday, August 19, 2011

Television On Your Computer (Satellite Direct Review)

What does Satellite DIRECT do?

Well, let's hear directly from the horse's mouth on this one and have a look at what they say about themselves on their site:

SatelliteDirect's technology allows you to watch over 3,500 HD channels right on your PC. There are No subscriptions/monthly fees, NO hardware to install and NO bandwith limits. Cancel your cable service today and enjoy our service 24/7..

Is it a scam?

For products of this type, there's only one guaranteed way to find this out: the product's refund rate. If a product has a high refund rate, then it may well be a scam. It stands to reason - if it's a scam, then people will be returning it in high numbers. The approximate refund rate for Satellite DIRECT is 0.05%, which is shockingly low, and suggests this product is certainly not a scam.

Is it worth buying?

There are lots of verifiable testimonials from happy customers on Satellite DIRECT's website. These are testimonials from past customers who have taken the time and effort to send in a testimonial, so reading their views can often be well worthwhile. You should then backup that research by looking at an external review. You can find one such review using this Google search: The first review show gives the product a rating of 4.05/5. This is high and suggests the product is definitely worth buying.

This Is A Cheap Alternative To Paying High Cable And Dish Bills, I Use It Regularly With No Problems Whatsoever. I'd Rate It With 5 Stars Give It A Look At